Sunday, March 23, 125


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FAQ - Part 1
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ic_faq_q.gif (144 Byte)Why is the password always displayed in the Security Check?

ic_faq_a.gif (148 Byte)Because you are using the unregistered evaluation copy of TimeWatcher. If you register, the password won't be displayed any more.

ic_faq_q.gif (144 Byte)During the setup TimeWatcher asks me about the update of system files. What shall I do?

ic_faq_a.gif (148 Byte)In some cases during the setup TimeWatcher finds system files, which are not up to date. In this case the Setup program asks, whether you want to update these files. Answer 'yes' to update them. After TimeWatcher had done the update it asks for a reboot of the computer. Answer 'yes' again. After this reboot you have to start the SETUP.EXE program one more time to continue with the installation.

ic_faq_q.gif (144 Byte)Does TimeWatcher run with Windows NT / 2000 / XP?

ic_faq_a.gif (148 Byte)Yes, TimeWatcher was also tested with Windows NT 4.0 / Windows. Some functions of TimeWatcher are disabled in Windows NT, because they are obsolete in these Operating systems (e.g. Forbidden Windows Function). If you use TimeWatcher with Windows NT / 2000, it is very important to disable the Task Manager, because it could be used by a user to terminate the TimeWatcher task.

ic_faq_q.gif (144 Byte) I have a problem installing TimeWatcher on my Windows 95 system. Some dll-library seems to be not working

ic_faq_a.gif (148 Byte)The TimeWatcher installation routine experiences problems with some very old Windows 95 installations. To update the dlls on such a system just download and execute the file AXDIST.EXE Afterwards the setup program of TimeWatcher should run without any problems

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