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Version 5.03
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Version 5.03 - Released October 21 2001

+ Minor design change in Network dialog  
+ Problem with "Add time function" removed: Client computer
  was most of the time recharged to original time plus added time
+ Easier handling: Network Member Dialog always opens with
  the size of the Network Dialog
+ Bug fixed: Forbidden Windows was not working with
  Windows 2000 / XP
+ New function: TimeWatcher remembers now position of
  Network and Network Member dialog while shutdown or options
+ Design of Splash Window at Startup slightly modified
+ Bug fix: Slight modifications in Network Member login routines
+ Improvement: Protection against double usage of
  TimeWatcher has no problems with Norton Antifreeze any more
+ Bug fixed: Network Member log showed sometimes a wrong
  value for the computer usage time of a logged of Network Member
+ New function: Network Member statistics can be displayed 
+ Bug fixed: Pause of timer could be accomblished by pressing
  right mouse button in title bar of windows
+ Bug fixed: Setup routine was improved so there are no
  permission problems on Windows 2000 / XP systems
+ Maximal number of Direct Access Codes pages rised
  from 6 to 8
+ Bug fixed: Problem exiting DirectX games under
  Windows 2000 / XP
+ Bug fixed: In rare cases the time warnings could be shown
+ Function Added: It is now possible to ping single computers

(c) by 1998-2006 -

hl2.jpg (2224 Byte)
hl3.jpg (2211 Byte)
hl3.jpg (2211 Byte) hl3.jpg (2211 Byte)